Today is Friday the Thirteenth.
Pogo (anyone remember Pogo by Walt Kelly?) used to note the thirteenth of EVERY month by commenting which day of the week it fell on:
"Friday the thirteenth fell on a Tuesday this month."
or words to that effect.
But ever since my years in Senn High School and Edgewater Presbyterian Church in Chicago (1952-56), Friday the thirteenth has had a special meaning.
Gene and Francis Blackwell, our Youth Group sponsors, helped us plan a social event every month, often on the second Friday of the month. We did all sorts of things at our socials, games and food being the chief attraction.
Any month with the 13th falling on a Friday was sure to be
I still pay attention to this monthly celebration, and many memories and thoughts of long ago friends make it a special time for me.
I hope you will have a good day today--a lucky day. And many more special days of joy.