Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 1941

In my novel TOO MUCH LEFT UNSAID Kathy and Josh had met at Kathy's church in Chicago only a few weeks before their first date on Saturday, December 6, 1941. Josh was in the Navy and had a weekend leave. After spending a lovely day together, they agreed to spend Sunday together as well.  Then:
They did meet in church that Sunday morning, December 7. Kathy agreed to spend the rest of the day together, riding the “el” to Oak Park, strolling the neighborhood where Frank Lloyd Wright homes were plentiful. As the train reached Oak Park Avenue people were rushing in all directions, some running, some crying, some lining up to use the pay phones, many shouting. Newsboys were yelling "The Japs have attacked Pearl Harbor." "U.S. surprised. Many killed in Hawaii."
            Josh stopped in his tracks, grabbing Kathy's arm.“NO! I was at Pearl. Some of my buddies are still stationed there. I can picture the place." He grabbed for a copy of the Tribune and shook as he scanned the news. “Kathy, I need to get back to the naval station to see if there's anything I ought to be doing now.”
            He wheeled her around and they ran for the train headed downtown. On the trip back Josh's mind jumped from present to past to future.
            "Now you must marry me! Right now before I'm sent overseas,” Josh declared as they parted downtown.
War was about to change life for Kathy and Josh and many, many others. Do you remember it? Do you have stories to share about it?

1 comment:

  1. My father proposed to my mother on December 7, 1941 for that very same reason. They were married by Dec. 24, just 17 days later. The rest is history!
